Live Forex Trading CHFJPY _23/07/2023 Strategies & Signals|Today Signal

CHFJPY Analysis and prediction and determination of PRZ & TPS + trading tips for 2023 /23/07

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PRZ ( Potential Reversal Zone): The prz is a range where the probability of changing the trend from this range is very high.
In the analyzes where PRZ is determined, the wave must first reach this area (which mostly reaches these areas) and then the analysis is done and the path of the wave is determined.

In long-term paths or TPs, pulling the arrow directly does not mean that the path will be followed directly, but this path will include side trends, uptrends, and downtrends in order to advance to the TP or PRZ. expected to arrive.

After reaching each TP, this area becomes a PRZ area and there is a possibility of the trend reversing, so the analysis should be done again and it is possible that it cannot continue until TP 2 and 3.

After the first TP, some of the orders should be closed, and if the trend continues, risk-free orders should be made for the remaining orders and continue like this.

In the PRZ areas, analysis should be done first, and if signs of reversal are observed (divergence, support, resistance, etc.), a stepwise entry should be made in compliance with capital management, and the analysis will continue until the signs of reversal are observed.

Note: There is no certainty in the market and my analysis is based on the highest probability of occurrence.
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